
Health Professionals

OVUNET information for Health Professionals.

About Ovunet

  • 1.1 Background

    OVUNET is a commercial enterprise operating as a distinct corporate entity under the auspices of RV Dalton Pty Ltd and Ballarat IVF Pty Ltd.

    OIOL provides clinician supported, patient accessible, Ovulation induction through it’s design, development, validation, verification and deployment.

  • 1.2 Key Objectives

    The purpose of the Ovunet System is to allow easy access to precisely managed ovulation induction in a safe and cost-efficient manner with Fertility Specialist support.

  • 1.3 Intended Benefits

    Patient perspective

    • Provide patient confidential access to a precise ovulation induction algorithm 
    • Provide an assessment of patient health status via telehealth, utilizing Medical specialist assessment and external reports of ultrasound findings and relevant blood investigations to determine safety and appropriateness of utilization of the OVUNET System.
    • Provide instruction to the patient regarding the need and timing of required  telehealth consultations.
    • Provide real time based direction to the patient regarding medication usage and the undertaking of investigations during the ovulation induction treatment regimen, 
    • Provide, if required, a revised treatment regimen in a subsequent treatment episode to improve or enhance the patient’s response to the directed treatment regimen.
    • Provide the option of telemedicine follow up with the OIOL clinical staff during or following treatment regimens.

    Clinician perspective

    • Provide a web based process for easy access to Fertility Specialist  .
    • Provide options for the clinician to consider regarding prescription of medications to patients.
    • Provide notification to Clinician of request by the patient for telemedicine consultation.

Become a Partner Today

The OVUNET Ovulation Induction app makes it easy for your patients to track their ovulation and gives you the information and tools you need to assist with ovulation induction & maximise their chance of pregnancy.

Signup as a OVUNET Health Professional today.

Terms & Conditions

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