
I'm trying to get pregnant

Getting ready to have a baby.

Preconception health is important

When you’re planning to have a baby, having a healthy diet and lifestyle is a great start.

Vitamins - People who have a balanced, healthy diet only really need to take a Folate supplement.  Some studies have shown that certain vitamins can improve fertility in women and men, so if you wish, using a prenatal multivitamin may be beneficial.

Your Diet - should include two or more serves of fish a week, essential proteins such as avocado, yoghurt, tofu, eggs, chicken, low GI foods like legumes, green leafy vegetables, nuts, wholegrains , fruits.

Avoid High GI foods such as sweets, and fried food.

  • Don’t smoke
  • Avoid Alcohol, especially when pregnant
  • Don’t use recreational drugs.

Exercise regularly - daily exercise is an excellent way of preparing your mind and body for pregnancy.   If you enjoy personal training and gym work, go for it!  Otherwise simply going for a walk for 30  minutes can be perfectly adequate.

I'm trying to get pregnant

Trying to Get Pregnant?

Most couples trying to get pregnant are successful within a year. In fact, 70% of couples will achieve a pregnancy within 4 to 5 months.

If you’ve been trying to get pregnant for 6 months without success, you should think about seeing a Health professional, or using OVUNET.

The older you are, the sooner you should seek advice.

If you have irregular or infrequent menstrual cycles, you may not be Ovulating.

This is where OVUNET lets you take control of your fertility.

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Trying to get Pregnant

When am I most fertile?

The “fertile window” in your cycle is the three days leading up to  Ovulation, the day of Ovulation and the 1- 2 days after ovulation.

Sperm live for about 3-4 days in the uterus and fallopian tubes, and an egg remains viable for 24 hours after it is released.

After that time, you usually can’t get pregnant until your next menstrual cycle .

So it is crucial to, firstly, be ovulating and secondly know when you are ovulating.

When am i most fertile

Am I Ovulating?

You are likely to be ovulating if you have the following:

  • Regular menstrual cycles between 26 to 30 days in length
  • You notice “raw egg white” type mucous at mid cycle
  • You have a brief pain on one side or the other at mid cycle
  • Breast tenderness
  • You have an increase in sexual desire mid cycle
  • You have a positive Urinary ovulation test

How to Predict Ovulation

If you are trying to conceive, the best way to achieve this is to be aware of when you are about to ovulate.

If you have signs of ovulation these are helpful, but the best way to predict ovulation is an Ovulation Test Kit.

There are many over the counter kits available. They test for levels of Luteinizing Hormone, or LH in your urine.

LH levels in the blood surge about 24 hours before ovulation, and the surge mainly happens at night.

If you have regular periods, the LH surge usually happens mid cycle, around day 14, and it leads directly to maturation, and release of an egg from your ovary. A delicate balance of Oestrogen, LH (Luteinizing Hormone) and FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone), are needed for ovulation to occur.

how to predict ovulation

How Ovulation test kits work

When you are trying to get pregnant using OVUNET, we will ask you to start testing for the “LH” hormone surge based on the results of your ultrasound.

You should buy a urine LH test kit from your Pharmacist, online, or even at your Supermarket.

There are many kits on the market, and they all do the same thing, so it’s up to you which one you choose.

Simply follow the instructions included in the kit, and enter the results into your OVUNET App.

The cheapest test requires you to urinate on the stick of the test kit. There is a single line which always comes up. You should wait for a second line to appear. If the colour of the second line matches the first line, or if changes occur as shown on the instructions, ovulation is imminent - within 24 to 48 hours. Most kits come with a five-day supply of sticks, to be used in as many days. For best results, test around the same time each day, ideally in the morning.

If you don’t get a positive result, don’t worry, OVUNET will tell you what to do and when to use a trigger injection

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how ovulation test kits work

Common causes of not ovulating:

  • ​Having Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) - For more information click here
  • Being over or under your ideal bodyweight
  • Stress
  • Smoking
  • Having under or overactive thyroid function.
  • Intensive high-level exercise.
  • Having Low ovarian function or reserve.

If you are trying to conceive, and not ovulating, Improving your health, and Ovulation induction can help.

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